Daoirí Farrell
Price From: £20.50 adv seated | £17.50 adv standing adv | £24 seated door | £20.50 standing door
Christina Alden & Alex Patterson Album Launch
Price From: £16 | £14 adv conc | £18.50 door
Siobhan Miller
Price From: £20.50 seated | £18.50 seated concs | £17.50 standing
Grace Petrie @ EPIC Studios
Price From: £23 adv | £17.50 adv conc | £25 doors
Sam Kelly Dreamers Dawn Album Launch
Price From: £18.50 adv | £17.50 adv conc | £20.50 door
King Creosote @ EPIC Studios
Price From: £34 adv | £31.50 adv conc | £36 door
Michael McGoldrick and Tim Edey
Price From: £23 seated | £18.50 standing
Price From: £10 adv | £9 adv conc | £12.50 door
Sabine McCalla
Price From: £16 adv | £18.50 door
Hackensaw Boys
Price From: £16 adv | £15 adv conc | £18.50 door
Project Smok
Price From: £16 adv | £14 adv conc | £18.50 door
The Wassail with Eliza Carthy & Jon Boden @ EPIC Studios
Price From: £28.50 adv | £30.50 door