Rob Copland : Gimme (One with Everything)
Price From: £18.50 | £17.50 concs
Horatio Gould: Return of The Space Cowboy
Price From: £17.50
Kemah Bob
Price From: £18.50 adv | £17.50 concs
Josh Glanc: Family Man
Price From: £18.50 adv | £17.50 conc
Elis & John: That Feels Significant Live! @ EPIC Studios
Price From: £33
IDEAL: Starring Johnny Vegas @ EPIC Studios
Price From: £27 adv | £23 universal credit | £30.50 door
Ria Lina: Riabellion
Price From: £20
Jen Brister: Reactive @ EPIC Studios
Price From: £28.50