The Neutrinos go to COP26


Back in December 2020, KlangHaus & Neutrinos created a Covid-safe show called Darkroom, one audience member at a time in a sound and senses performance in complete darkness.

Since then, supported by Norwich Arts Centre, they have been planning on taking the show to the COP26 Climate Conference.

DARKROOM will be performed in Glasgow for COP26. Daily between 1-8pm | Nov 8th-13th |  Listen Gallery | G4 0UP

Tickets and Darkroom website

In September, they met with climate scientists at Tyndall Centre For Climate Research and performed the show.
Then KlangHaus & Neutrinos sat with the scientists post-show and they talked about how they felt, and what, if any, impact there was.

Comments from the scientists….

The sound induced a kind of ecstatic paroxysm. There may be eco-driven social collapse, but we can live and love through it all, and create what we humans call ‘light’. See you at COP26″ – Rupert Read Associate Professor – School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies, UEA

Really different, truly dark, humanness and connectivity… it was a levelling experience“. – Asher Minns Executive Director – Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, UEA

Being alone in the dark invites you to imagine being alone with a complete climate breakdown – brings home the power of the natural world – the powerlessness of a single human being in the absence of society. Humans need society.” – Catherine Rowett former Green MEP and Professor of Philosophy, School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies

KlangHaus and The Neutrinos would like to thank the many climate policy makers and researchers who put their time and engagement into the project.