NAC Regeneration Phase 2 Complete!

#NACregeneration has been an interesting journey for all of us here at Norwich Arts Centre and we’re so pleased to have seen the work through to completion after a turbulent year.
We have future-proofed our building so we can continue to do what we love and keep going for generations to come.
Thank you to everyone who helped us to get where we are today. We’re very grateful for all the donations and to artists, bands and promoters that gave their time to support us with fundraisers.
We had a brilliant team of contractors who went above and beyond to get the work finished ready for our Autumn reopening in 2020.
An extra special shout out goes to NAC General Manager Bradley Glasspoole for overseeing the project management, Giles Margarson for his insight and knowledge and Keith, Glen, Martin and Louise at Perfect Structures Ltd for their commitment and quality of work throughout the entire refurbishment.

Phase 2
The hall has had a complete redecoration and the windows have been revealed for the first time in 40 years so that we can now let in natural daylight. Bespoke wooden frames, double glazing and electric black out blinds have been fitted for evening performances.
The hall has never looked so bright and welcoming!

And finally we have fully refurbished the Womens, Mens and Access toilet and added two brand new Gender Neutral toilets. We now have fully automatic flushes, taps, soap dispensers and dryers. Goodbye grungey gig toilets!

We have enjoyed testing out the space with bubbled seating for pop-up performances and drinks since we opened on 22 October 2020.
Thank you to everyone who popped in over the last two weekends to support us. We had a lovely full house on Saturday and we’re very confident in our new safety measures.
We’ll be closing from Thursday 5 November for national lockdown but we’re ready to welcome you back as soon as we can!
In the meantime keep warm and look after yourselves…
Love NAC