NAC commissions new play by FenCity Players: DIRT

NAC commissions new play by FenCity Players: DIRT Rehearsals have been taking place behind the scenes (involving alot of topsoil) in preparation for a work in progress performance of new NAC commissioned play DIRT on Tuesday 21 March 5pm and 8pm.
Set in a workshed surrounded by the harsh Fenland landscape, a group of seasonal workers share their griefs and aspirations as their hands painstakingly plough through the dirt.
FenCity Player Joseph Connolly co-writes with Director Toby Clarke following their triumphant debut show, MUCK (Norwich Arts Centre, Park Theatre).
Come and support a brand new piece of contemporary theatre from just £4.50-£12.50 (pay what you can afford).
Buy tickets HERE

We caught up with co-writer and performer Joseph Connolly for 10 quick Q’s:
Where did you grow up, and where do you live now?
Wisbech, then Warrington, followed by London and now back to Wisbech.
Who is your biggest influence and why?
People, Edward Bond, Johnathan Harvey. I just find people in general fascinating
What is your biggest weakness as a creative artist?
Imposter Syndrome, Procrastination, Indecison
What makes you happy?
Being in the outdoors, chilling out (indoors and outdoors)
What makes you sad?
When my fridge is empty
What do you like to do on a day off?
Absolutely nothing
What film, TV show, book or podcast have you recently enjoyed?
Happy Valley Season 3, Alma’s Not Normal, The Empire of Light.
If you could only own one musical album, what would it be?
Frank by Amy Winehouse
What would your super power be?
Flying (but I’m scared of heights)
What you’d be doing if you weren’t an actor / writer?
Being rich – doing absolutely nothing!