Mark Thomas – Walking the Wall

Never one to take the easy option, Mark decided to go rambling in the Middle East, walking the entire length of the Israeli Separation Barrier. This is the story of 350,000 settlers, a 750km wall, six arrests, one stoning, too much hummus and a simple question… ‘Can you ever get away from it all with a good walk?’
All three organisations to benefit from this show work directly or, through advocacy, indirectly with child victims of war and pandemics.
The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) is a non-violent, direct action Israeli peace and human rights organisation dedicated to end the occupation of Palestine and achieving a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Prevention of house demolitions is particularly important to women and their children (
Firefly International is a charity which specifically supports child victims of war. It currently runs wonderful educational and training projects in Bosnia, Syria and Gaza (
The International Medical Education Trust 2000 (IMET2000) works worldwide to provide low-cost education and advanced training to all in the Health Sector working with children suffering physical and mental trauma resulting from war, severe economic deprivation or major natural disasters (
All three of us are particularly busy in the Middle East where military conflict, economic collapse and the CV19 pandemic are combining to wreak havoc with family life and innocent children. This is a terrible stain on our common humanity. Please help us help them.
Date: Tuesday 11th August 2020
Time: 7.30pm
Age Rating: 15 (some swearing)
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