Mark Thomas – CHECK UP: Our NHS@70 Live Stream

Join Mark and his guests on Tuesday 16th February 2021 | 7.30pm | £5 | Live Stream
Mark Thomas’s Lockdown Live series continues with award winning show Check Up: OurNHS@70, in which Mark spent a month shadowing nurses, consultants and staff at the Imperial Group of NHS hospitals. From gastric sleeves to major trauma to dementia wards and back again, Mark was there to witness our NHS in action. This is the story he tells interspersed with interviews with… *gasp*… experts such as Professor Michael Marmot – the government expert on health inequalities – to the then Chief Medical Advisor Professor Dame Sally Davies. The result is a surprisingly emotional look at the state we are in.
THE GUARDIAN “a first-hand report from the activist-comedian’s month-long residency at the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust group of hospitals and Thomas’s wide-eyed astonishment is infectious. …his boyish enthusiasm a reminder that he is foremost a humanist. Scattered through the show are interviews with policymakers, whom he describes with relish, even when they are political adversaries, calling them to life with a mimic’s eye for character detail.”
This time Mark is going back to some of those experts to conduct live interviews after the show about the state of our health. How is the NHS doing? Where does it go next? What do we need to do?
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