Lewis Buxton: WORKOUT! NNF

Workout! is a poetry-theatre show about exercise and anxiety. Funny, inventive and heart wrenching, Lewis Buxton tells the story of a life through obsessions and exercise routines – a story drenched in the sweat on t-shirts, a poem that weighs as heavy as dumbbells. From sit ups in his bedroom to being hungover in changing rooms and trying to find calm through Yoga With Adriene, Buxton brings an audience into his confidence, undresses his anxieties, and works through them; finding the questions, despair and joy in exercise.
‘Buxton is a performer in full control of his craft, combining the confidence of an arena comedian with the sensitivity of a performance poet…brimming with talent’ — Eastern Daily Press
About Lewis Buxton
Born in 1993, Lewis Buxton is a poet and theatre maker. He has won the Winchester Poetry Prize, received the UEA Literary Festival Bursary and is the Co-Director of TOAST. His work has appeared in The Rialto, Ambit and Magmaamongst others. His first collection Boy in Various Poses was published by Nine Arches Press in 2021. His debut theatre show Workout! will be staged at Norfolk & Norwich Festival 2022. He lives in Norfolk.
Co-commissioned by National Centre for Writing, Norfolk & Norwich Festival and Norwich Arts Centre.
Supported by the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund through Arts Council England.
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